
FuelEU Maritime and EU ETS x Thommessen

Dear YoungShippers, 

Get ready for a great evening at Thommessen's! Seize the opportunity to delve into exciting topics of FuelEU Maritime and EU ETS!

Date: September 26th

Location: Ruseløkkveien 38, Oslo


17:30-18:00: Welcome and mingling
18:00 - 18:45: Presentation: FuelEU Maritime and EU ETS
18:45 - 21:00: Food and drinks

Participation costs 200 kr. Be sure to pay for your spot immediately. Your reservation will last for only 6 hours unless paid.

If you didn't get a spot, register for the waiting list!

If you cannot attend, remember to withdraw at least 24 h before the event to avoid penalty. You can withdraw or freely pass your spot to someone else here.  

By participating in this event, you acknowledge and agree that photographs taken during the event may be used by YSO for marketing, promotional, and other purposes.


Arrangør: YoungShip Oslo
Dato: 26.09.2024

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