
Lofoten Triathlon 2024

{{'Volunteer event' | translate }}

{{'Loading' | translate }}

{{statusText | translate}}

Tusen takk for din pÄmelding som crew til Lofoten Triahtlon 2024!

{{rule.reward}} {{'after' | translate}} {{rule.threshold}} {{rule.unit}} | {{'max.' | translate }} {{rule.max}} {{'pcs' | translate }} | {{'withdrawals on this reward exclude other rewards' | translate }}

{{'Shifts' | translate}}

{{'Accommodation:' | translate }} {{projectPerson.projectApplication.accommodationSite}} {{'Not assigned' | translate}}

{{day.projectDay.name}} {{day.projectDay.dayDate | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy'}}


{{pos.person.firstName}} {{pos.person.lastName}}
{{pos.startDate | date: 'HH:mm'}} til {{pos.endDate | date: 'HH:mm'}} {{'Full day' | translate}}
{{pos.projectPosition.location}}{{'No place of attendance' | translate }}
{{'No description' | translate }}
{{'Unconfirmed shift' | translate}}
{{'Confirmed' | translate }}

{{'Unassigned shift' | translate}}

{{'Details' | translate}}

{{'Organizer:' | translate}} The Arctic Triple
{{'Start date:' | translate}} 15.08.2024
{{'End date:' | translate}} 17.08.2024

{{'Enrolled' | translate}}

{{projPerson.person.firstName}} {{projPerson.person.lastName}} {{projPerson.statusText | translate}}

{{'Documents' | translate}}

{{file.project.name}} {{file.projectCategoryName}} {{file.projectFunctionName}}
{{file.fileName}} {{'Download' | translate}}
{{'No documents provided' | translate}}

{{'Contacts' | translate}}

{{access.person.firstName}} {{access.person.lastName}}
{{'Role' | translate}}: {{'Rewards manager' | translate}} {{'Volunteer manager' | translate}} {{'Group-leader' | translate}} {{access.desc | translate}}
{{'Phone'| translate }}: {{access.person.contact.contactPhoneMobile}}
{{'Email' | translate}}: {{access.person.contact.contactEmail}}
{{'No contacts provided' | translate}}